Stock Market Game
Set-up for Playing the Stock Market Game at
1. Create Free Membership using the outline explained below the image.

a. First Name field "Teacher Initial, Class Period, Space, Students First Name"
b. Real email address (not a school district email address!!!)
c. Make up the rest of the information - Company info etc.
2. Log into your email account, open the email from Market Watch and verify your email.
3. Log in using your new membership information
Click the link:
b. Password "ruleof72" or speak to your instructor.
5. If it doesn't take you to the Overview tab then click on the down arrow next to your name and click the Games link.
a. Click on the link to the game!
b. You should see the Overview tab for the game (image below)

Instructions for Stock Trades.

Find a company by typing in the name of a company
Click on the Stock Symbol for the company to learn/research the stock then click the Full Quote Page button
Click on the Trade button to execute a buy/sell
On the Company Info page read an article, from the past week, about the company.
Change the chart view to 5 days
Stock Battle Game Rules!
Avoid glitch/exploit stocks
No more than three trades on the same stock in the same day
Must be 75% invested in the market most of the time to be eligible to win (if the market drops we aren’t looking to have people sitting on the sideline jump to the lead)
No more than 33% of money can be invested in an individual stock (Trying to have students explore more than one stock and mitigate some of the power trading on only one stock)
Must be name with class period and teacher initial in front of first name
(ex. A3L John Smith—it will not let you use the number when first creating the account but it will when editing the profile name after it is created)
One account per student
How to get Credit each week (Stock Journals)...
Go the the MarketWatch home page, find an article from the past week regarding the Stock Market as a whole.
Read and summarize the article.
Write a short paragraph that connects the information from the article to the effect of the stock market that week.
Then, using MarketWatch search for a company (one that you currently hold) and find an article from the past week regarding that company.
Read and summarize the article.
Write a short paragraph that connects the information from the article to the effect of the company's stock price for that week
REPEAT this two times (three company's) each week.
Submit all four paragraphs to your teacher.
Where to find news article from the week:
Stock Market as a whole news articles:

Company that you own news articles:

Your final Stock Journal
1. The specific number of journals you will need to complete this term will be up to the discretion of your instructor.
2. The last Journal article will be:
3. A two-page, double-spaced paper about your Virtual Stock Exchange experience.
Please address the following:
Which positions exceeded your expectations?
What conditions caused this?
Which positions underperformed for you?
What factors created the performance gap?
What are the key things you learned from your Virtual Stock Exchange experience?
How will your Virtual Stock Exchange experience influence your personal investing in the future?
Trouble Shooting: If you are unable to log into the game go to the 'My Profile' page and log in there.