ContEnd to the End
Contend: v. To compete for something; engage in a contest; measure oneself against others. Continue to the End = ContEnd The Number 1 Reason for Entrepreneurial Success is Perseverance. You must fight your way through problems. Entrepreneurs are problem solvers by definition. You saw a need in the market and you filled it (See a Need... Fill a Need). Problems are going to arise, are you going to rise to the solution? I challenge my Entrepreneur and Financial Literacy students to fight for your education. Don't take the easy way out. Don't change the project (goal) because the project (goal) became difficult. When challenges come and the projects seem impossible, reach out, find a mentor (teacher, family, or friend) who can show you a clear path and get you back on track. Go ahead, do something great with your class projects... you can do it, others can help, and ContEnd with the projects.
