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Justin Prince

We had a great guest speaker in Financial Literacy. Justin Prince shared with the class some very important thoughts about how to prepare for and manage your life. Below are some of the highlights, as captured by the students in attendance. If you missed this opportunity or even if you were there but found it difficult to "drink from the fire-hydrant" here are some key points to review:

Secret to getting rich... Pay Yourself First

10% Charity/Tithing

20% Saved

10% Invested (The #1 investment is yourself! Learn new skills.)

60% Spend

Elements of Success:

1. Ambition

Always do more than what you’re paid for as an investment for future

The marketplace is your employer

The market place will pay you what it thinks your worth

We are paid by the value that we bring into the marketplace

Dream big

2. Mentor

Give your mentor permission to hold you accountable.

Have multiple mentors. Pick mentors that are the best for each facet or your life.

Surround yourself with great people, those who believe in you

Learn from the mistakes of others OR learn from your own.

It's far better to learn from the mistakes of others.

Drive Time Learning: Use this time to read/listen to great information

You tend to earn the average of your five closest friends... choose well.

Apply what you learn, this is what truly makes you extraordinary

3. Opportunity-

Life is the challenge to become more than ordinary.

NET: No Extra Time

It's he that doeth the deed that hath the power.

Do the thing you fear the most and the death of fear is certain. (If you don't like checking skyward/checking account, then you must check it often and the fear will go away.)

Never quit on a bad day

Make words physical. Live your life so that your words are meaningful

Maximize the potential of every opportunity

You are paid what the marketplace believes your worth. The more you demand of the marketplace the more the marketplace demands of you. Are you worthy of the price you demand? Can you become worthy of the price you desire? You absolutely can be worth what you want from the marketplace.

How to be successful… 4 ways to increase your value in the marketplace

Read Rich Dad Poor Dad, Miracle Morning, Richest Man in Babylon

Listen to good things

Surround yourself with great people

Apply what you learn

How to shake hands:

Look them in the eye

Give a sturdy grip

Say, "Hi, I'm (use your full name)" - With confidence

Ask, "How are you doing?"

There is no power in mumbling. If you’re going to say something, say it and own it!

When you’re hungry you want to grind up your grain seed to make flour to eat. But if you grind your grain you will have no seed to plant for the future. You've got to give up the thing you want now for the thing you want most. If you plant some of the grain seeds now you will have food for your future.

The Poor use their income to pay expenses.

The Rich use their income to buy assets that are used to pay expenses.

Assets = Investments or Business's

For more information or to connect with Justin:

modere website

Enter code: 564914 to receive $10 off your purchase.


1. What was the most impact-full piece of advice?

2. What is meant by the phrase "Do the thing you fear the most and the death of fear is certain"?

3. Read an article from the iamjustinprice website and write a two paragraph synopsis of the article focusing on how you can use the information in your life.


PowerPoint: Scarcity and Choices


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