Learn VS Earn
In Financial Literacy today we were talking about resumes, jobs and interviews and while talking about where to apply for jobs, a discussion began about Learning V/S Earning. While being young and inexperienced may lead many students into thinking that low wage manual labor jobs are their only option, I showed that there is a whole world (business park) of options. The Deseret News had an article about the 50 best companies to work for in Utah. Of the top 10, most students had only heard of one company. My point was that of all of the companies in Utah to work for, why limit your search to the same companies that most other high school students look to. There are great companies in the various Business Parks along the free-way. Now, can a high school student expect a high paying part-time summer job? No, of course not. But what if that summer job could be leveraged into a high paying post-high school job to help finance additional certification/education? While your expenses are low (there may never be another time in your life when so much of your costs are being paid by someone else) what's wrong with a job that may not even pay? That's right, work for free! Your payment will be experience and networking. These will pay you more in the long-run than any minimum wage job ever could. Go knock on the doors of your local business/technology park, dressed professionally, with copies of your resume in hand and start learning! But what if you really want to own your own business or there isn't a business/technology park near you? Start a Summer Entrepreneurial venture where you can learn about starting and running a boot-strapped business. It may be small, but you're gaining experience, not just doing a task.

1. Using a mapping website (google maps) search for a local company that would make a good internship opportunity for your chosen career field. What is the name of the company?
2. Go to the companies website and the "about us' page and answer why the company would be a good fit for you?
3. What would compel you to be brave enough to try a cold-call internship?
PowerPoint: Applying for a Job