Learning to Crawl before you Walk before you Run
You absolutely must learn to Budget before you can Save and learn to Save before you can Invest and you must Invest in order to buy...

Envelopes are for more than letters
How to use the envelope method to control your cash flow. Control, control, you must learn control of your money! However you do it, you...

A Chicken is a Chicken
Money is just Money. Many people mistakenly believe that there is a set amount of cash in the world and in order to get some it has to be...

A Year is a Year
When it comes to investing time is either your friend or your enemy. It's up to you to decide. I think one (albeit one of several) major...

What is the due date for your Report, your Credit Report?
Credit Reports are NOT credit scores. None of the Credit Card Reporting Agencies have access too or are able to provide free Credit...

Teacher Oh Teacher
You should have at least one teacher that you absolutely love. Have you ever been told by someone that there was this great teacher that...

UVU Concurrent Enrollment
Instructions and Links to signing up for C.E. credit through UVU! Click on this link or go to http://www.uvu.edu/concurrent/ Click on...

Cost of a Dog
The other day I was watching cable TV at my in-laws house (I cut the cord decades ago) and there was a commercial from ASPCA, a dog...

Wallet Hacks
Who doesn't like eating out? Who doesn't like getting a good deal? But, who wants to go someplace "because" they have a special? Wouldn't...

How to Win Financially and Influence Positive Change in the World
Financial Reminders for the Next 3 to 5 Years Have $1,000 in a savings account. (Preferably in an online savings account. They have...